Presentation: 7/10. The color is all the same, but the ladyfinger crumbs add an interesting texture.
Taste: 8/10. The cookies are very sweet and delicious, but I'd prefer the coffee flavor to be a little more strong. It was way too subtle for me.
Texture: 10/10. The cookies were soft and chewy, with an added crunch from the ladyfinger coating.
Time/Convenience: 5/10. The recipe called for block cream cheese and ladyfingers, which I didn't have and needed to buy. The ladyfingers were really hard to find. But the recipe, prep time, and cook time were quick and easy, as usual.
All in all: 7.5/10. Fancy shmancy.
Credit: Something Sweet: Desserts, Baked Goods, and Treats for Every Occasion, by Miriam Pascal
