Presentation: 8/10. The color was bright and vibrant, and the popcorn had a lot of texture.
Taste: 10/10. It tastes sweet and caramelized.
Texture: 10/10. It was crispy but not too hard to bite. There was a thin, crunchy layer of caramel around the soft, spongy popcorn, which was very satisfying to bite into.
Time/Convenience: 5/10. I had to be alert when the sugar boiled so it wouldn't burn. I actually burned it the first time and had to try again. Once the sugar caramelized I had to work quickly and toss the popcorn with the caramel before the caramel hardened.
All in all: 8.25/10. Better than popcorn.
Credit: Something Sweet: Desserts, Baked Goods, and Treats for Every Occasion, by Miriam Pascal
