Presentation: 4/10. I tried taking the pan out of the oven when the batter/dough was half-baked, and a bit spilled out of the pan, so it obviously looks a bit messy.
Taste: 8/10. The taste is pretty good. It tastes like a regular chocolate chip cookie, with some added sweetness from the caramel chips.
Texture: 6/10. I accidentally added a little extra eggs, milk, and flour, so the texture cake out a little more cakey than expected. But that's not necessarily a bad thing. I didn't really like the texture of the oats.
Time/Convenience: 8/10. The recipe was easy, as usual, but the cook time was a little long.
All in all: 6.5/10. Oatmeal cookies are basic.
Credit: Something Sweet: Desserts, Baked Goods, and Treats for Every Occasion, by Miriam Pascal
