Presentation: 6/10. It looks really messy, but it looks kind of cool with the foam.
Taste: 7/10. It tastes a bit too sweet and bitter. The taste was too intense.
Texture: 3/10. It's grainy, gritty, and didn't freeze very well.
Time/Convenience: 5/10. I had to combine the ingredients, then freeze it for an hour, blend it, freeze it for another hour, blend it again, and freeze it yet another hour and blend it one last time. The recipe said to freeze it on a tray, but I froze it in a container to avoid making a mess. This made it take longer to freeze and contributed to the bad texture.
All in all: 5.25/10. Not my proudest work
Credit: Something Sweet: Desserts, Baked Goods, and Treats for Every Occasion, by Miriam Pascal
