Taste: 10/10. To be honest, I was a little nervous about the taste, because the molasses I used smelled and tasted way too sweet for my liking. However, the biscotti came out really sweet and a little spiced, and the white chocolate chips took it over the top.
Presentation: 7/10. The biscotti has a nice caramel color and the white chocolate chips add a contrast, but some of the biscotti sliced kind of messy and crumby.
Texture: 5/10. A bit too hard and dry in my opinion, but still good.
Time/Convenience: 4/10. It was really hard to find the molasses, and the cook and prep time was longer and more laborious than the other cookies I baked. The cook time was more than twice as long, then I had to take it out, let it cool, slice it, then bake it again,
All in all: 6.5/10. Just in time for the cold front.
Credit: Something Sweet: Desserts, Baked Goods, and Treats for Every Occasion, by Miriam Pascal
