Presentation: 7/10. Obviously these are a lot more sophisticated than the other cookies I made because they have two components: the cookie and the cream. They came out a bit messy but they still look nice
Taste: 6/10. The cookie itself was really good, but the taste was too much for me. I don't like peanut butter and, unlike the cookie, the frosting didn't have any chocolate in it to balance out the flavor.
Texture: 5/10. Since I let the cookies cool before sandwiching them, they didn't have the chewy, gooey texture the other cookies had. The frosting was creamy and fluffy, though.
Time/Convenience: 6/10. There were a few ingredients my mom and I had to buy and, as the recipe consisted of not only the cookie but the cream as well, it took a little longer to make. I had to let the cookies cool before sandwiching them, which took a while.
All in all: 6/10. PB and J without the J
Credit: Something Sweet: Desserts, Baked Goods, and Treats for Every Occasion, by Miriam Pascal