Presentation: 1/10. It looks like a two-year-old made it (no offense, two-year-olds)
Taste: 10/10. What it lacks in presentation, it makes up in taste. It's sweet and chocolatey, basically what birthday cakes should taste like.
Texture: 10/10. The cake itself is moist and fluffy, and the cake is creamy.
Time/Convenience: 5/10. First I had to mix the cake batter, then bake it for an hour, then let it cool, then frost it. I didn't let the cake cool long enough, so frosting it was impossible, which is why it looks like such a mess.
All in all: 6.5/10. Happy Birthday, Sholom!
Credit: Something Sweet: Desserts, Baked Goods, and Treats for Every Occasion, by Miriam Pascal
